The Link Between Movement And Language

It’s often wondered if there is a major link between movement and language and if they can work along side each other in development of children. We believe that they can. In a child’s first 18 months of life they will develop a set of motor and language skills which will be the biggest impact of their lives, why not help the process by starting your child's mobility early?

“it has been suggested that rather than assessing motor and cognitive development separately, they should be viewed as two connected cogs within a large, complex system, each dependent on the other and working together to make small steps forward in development.” -

Language can be a long and tedious process for an infant and helping your child's motor skills develop can make that process so much more easier. We should be treating both equally so they can work off of each other. Movement helps infants with their experience. Being able to move around on their own and discover things with further move a long the process of learning to speak. As they get more curious they will start to attempt speaking more to get their point across or “ask questions”.

Cited is a list presented by

  1. At twenty weeks, infants begin to sit with support. Vocalizations, which previously consisted of vowel-like cooing sounds, are now interspersed with consonant-like sounds.
  2. At 0;12, children can walk when held by one hand and mouthing of objects has almost ceased. Vocalizations contain an increased frequency of occurrence of identical sound sequences; and words (e.g. mamma or dadda) begin to emerge.